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  Title Copies
British Journal of Photography: 7910 
Volume: 169 
Year: 2022 
ISSN: 00071196 
British Journal of Photography: 7911 
Volume: 169 
Year: 2022 
ISSN: 00071196 
British Journal of Photography: 7912 
Volume: 169 
Year: 2023 
ISSN: 00071196 
Eyes on the Road 
Edition: 1st Edition 
Year: 2021 
ISBN 13: 9781737931683 
Alchemy of the Unknowns 
Edition: 1st Edition 
Year: 2024 
Montana Black + White 
Year: 2024 
The Royals 
Year: 2024 
The Mines 
Year: 2007 
Series: Cage Call 
The Untended Garden 
Edition: 1st Edition 
Year: 2024 
ISBN 13: 9798988493204 
Basic Collodion Technique: Ambrotype & Tintype 
Edition: Version VIII 
Volume: Version VIII 
Year: 2019 
Series: Basic Collodion Technique